About this site

“It’s like the 753rd funniest account on Twitter” -@udiwertheimer
Bugle News is a publication launched in January 2023 by Richard Greaser in a parallel dimension. In that dimension, the Bugle is the world's premiere news agency, rivaling those like the New York Times and Wallstreet Journal. A glitch in the matrix has allowed for people in your dimension to catch glimpses of it.
In your dimension, the Bugle appears to be a satirical news outlet. While in the Bugle's dimension, their stories are real, in this dimension, the stories appear absurd.
The Bugle believes that their product is intended directly for their audience, and does not include sponsorships from corporations in order to try and provide the best product to the reader. When individuals take sponsorship money, the audience begins to become the product instead of the consumer.

If you believe in the work that the Bugle is doing, please check out our support page to learn how to help us on our mission to provide thermodynamically sound news.
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