Andrew Yang Champions Ordinals As UBI For Miners

Andrew Yang, a political visionary has accomplished next to nothing, has declared his support for the Taproot Wizards as he sees ordinals as similar to universal basic income (UBI) which he has been a long time advocate for. Yang believes that miners are poor, uneducated individuals living in the rust belt, who have been left behind by American society, and therefore should be subsidized by degenerates trading Jpegs. His support around ordinals is tied to the idea that the Bitcoin block subsidy getting cut in half in April will only make things more difficult for the poor miners who are struggling to get by. Transactions fees spiking as a result of people speculating on pictures is the way he thinks income can be redistributed from people trying to process normal monetary transactions to those who are mining.
"There is a war on normal people, and UBI solves this. Miners are the poor working class and the people trying to use Bitcoin for monetary transactions are wealthy people who got lucky getting in early. It is time some of the wealth is redistributed from people trying to use the network towards the poor miners," Yang explained in a Twitter space being hosted by Preston Pysh, but being recorded by Dennis Porter for his YouTube channel. Many were upset at Yang's comments about Bitcoin miners being poor, as the space is largely dominated by large corporate mining entities with immense amounts of capital.
Taylor Swift has given her approval of Yang's opinion on UBI for miners as she has recently become a political activist, as well as a ordinal enjoyer. She recently announced a partnership with Ordinal loving pool, Luxor as she plans on minting some Ordinals to celebrate the Bitcoin halving.
All of these celebrities and politicians getting involved in the Ordinals debate brings up concerns that the discussion around inscriptions may be a scheme to get Bitcoiners to argue about trivial issues rather than focusing on how to scale the network to be a viable competitor to the world's fiat currencies. This point is given credence given the fact that Andrew Yang has not done anything productive throughout his political career, and now is throwing his hat in the ring to discuss Bitcoin development and incentives.
One of the unfortunate side effects of mass adoption is that many individuals with poor takes will be joining in on the conversation around Bitcoin. The more money involved around industries interacting with Bitcoin means significantly more money for psychological operations against individuals just trying to use the network to protect their wealth and attain a semblence of financial freedom.