Bank Of Japan Commits Seppuku, Tells Citizens To "Just Buy Bitcoin"

"Bitcoin is beating us into submission and we're about ready to give up. That's why we are buying Bitcoin and so should you," Bank of Japan Chief Kazuo Ueda told the Bugle.
The Central Bank of Japan has announced it's essentially giving up and is in the process of giving up control the countries fiat currency and monetary system back to the free market.
It has been reported that Ueda and his peers have been listening to a lot of lectures from the Mises Institute, and now see the value of Austrian economics such as a hard money standard.
"The free market always wins no matter how hard you try to beat it. This probably feels as bad as losing to the Americans in WW2 felt for my grandfather," a spokesman for the bank told the Bugle.
The Central Bank of Japan buying Bitcoin is very similar to the age old custom of Seppuku, where a disgraced warrior commits suicide as a final act.
While many fiat enthusiasts are concerned by the banks move, many are applauding the thought of how much better Japanese vehicles will be on a Bitcoin standard.