Bidenomics Declared Smashing Success As Rothbard Turns Angrily In His Grave

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre declared Bidenomics a smashing success on Monday. "Since this administration was formed in 2021, our goal has been to completely demoralize the American populace and make them hate themselves. We have had smashing success as we have completely redefined conventional economic terms such as inflation and recession. We are big fans of Orwell and Huxley who created the perfect playbooks for how to accomplish this goal."
Despite the US economy teetering on the edge of the financial collapse, and the US consumer being destroyed by non transitory inflation, big brain economic experts have ruled that the US economy is not yet in a recession. The term recession has been changed so many times at this point that nobody really knows how to define it anymore and only should be used during a political campaign to blame ones opponent.
A worker at the cemetery where Murray Rothbard was burried was interviewed on Ron Paul's show, The Liberty Report last week, where he revealed that workers have had to service Murray Rothbard's grave multiple times over the last few months. "Every time Biden or someone in his administration talks about economics, the ground around Rothbard's grave becomes disturbed. It really does seem like he is turning in his grave, or at least that is the only explanation I can come up with for it.
Rothbard was the father of the American libertarian movement and had a role in helping to found the Mises Institute. He was a huge advocate for a fringe extremist economic theory called Anarcho Capitalism and believer in Austrian Economics.
With the White House's goal of demoralizing the American Populace and ushering in a new era of economic struggle, the American populace seems to be taking it really well. Netflix subscriptions are at an all time high and many people are looking forward to watching the upcoming football season where they will be able to watch commercials for the new Covid boosters. An unintended consequence of Biden's economic policies is not only demoralizing the living, but also the dead.