BlackRock To Gift Israel/Ukraine Carbon Credits To Offset Carbon Usage During War

BlackRock To Gift Israel/Ukraine Carbon Credits To Offset Carbon Usage During War

Israel, Ukraine and many countries at war unfortunately have been seriously underperforming their stated climate goals of reducing carbon emissions. Besides the human death toll, the world is sitting on the edge of their seats holding their breaths as the carbon emissions from operating drones, fighter planes, heavily armored machinery, and firing missiles is having potentially devastating impacts on the climate.

Not only is the destruction from the war decimating populations and polluting previously pristine ecosystems, causing unknown devastation, but more importantly it is raising carbon emissions. BlackRock has a plan to tackle this by issuing both countries a sufficient amount of Carbon Credits (A token completely rooted in reality which are created through the use of carbon negative or neutral activities, and can be bought to offset pollution in the eyes of many credentialed experts).

The question on everyone's minds is not how can humanity prevent wars from happening, as that would be devastating to the global economy, but how can we make war carbon neutral. The utilization of carbon credits is one of those ways according to BlackRock. Many are concerned about issuing a transparently corrupt Ukrainian government climate tokens, as they are concerned they may misappropriate them.

Many are aware that the Ukrainian government has been used by a front by intelligence agencies to "Coinjoin" arms shipments, redirected to different terrorist groups the CIA has been working with. Allowing the CIA to utilize Ukraine's corruption in order to also issue terrorist groups climate tokens to offset their climate emissions could pose some serious national security challenges to the United States.

"One of the things that makes us the good guys is that when we wage war without congressional approval, we obviously care about the climate. The global order could be shaken to it's core if groups like ISIS and Hamas begin utilizing climate tokens. We need to make sure BlackRock's token gift to Ukraine does not get misappropriated," US Secretary of State told the Associated Press.

Lawmakers are nervous about the move as many are predicting that China, Russia, and other countries pretending to follow climate goals could issue competing climate tokens to pariah countries like Iran.

US Senator Lindsey Graham commented on the situation by saying, "We need to invade Iran now before they catch on and become climate neutral. This is getting out of control. The Biden administration does not support the US defense industry enough or the American economy, or the global order."

Many individuals in the digital asset space (The new correct way to describe crypto) are watching closely as BlackRock has been presenting as they have been listening to 40 hours of Bitcoin podcasts a week. Finding free market solutions to both protect the US economy by protecting the arms industry, as well as fighting climate change is truly revolutionary.

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