Blonde Hair Streak Infects Influencers Outside Of Bitcoin Podcasting

A rare disease called Poliosis seems to be impacting influencers across multiple mediums. The disease turns a streak of the infected persons hair a different color, but seems to have no influence on cognitive performance. Many people thought that the disease was a voluntary hair choice after BTCSessions colored Nico's hair from Simply Bitcoin. The disease is much more than an attempt to get social media engagement. It is a non dangerous, but infectious disease.
.@Triple_elite #TripleEliteMemes #Bitcoin
— ASAP MARS (@Mars_Hodl) October 20, 2023
Ben Shapiro appeared on a livestream last week with a new blonde streak in his hair. The audience was shocked to see the conservative Yamaka toting, authoritarian pundit, appearing with a non traditional hair style. In a twitter thread later, he explained that he had woken up that morning with a streak of blonde in his hair.
Jordan Peterson posted a picture of himself with his new yellow streak and seemed to be pretty upset by it all. "The one day I chose not to clean my room this happened. It feels like God is punishing me for my lack of cleanliness and self respect," he said when the Bugle contacted him.
Normal people seem to be unaffected by this phenomenon as only male influencers are showing symptoms. As conference season ramps up next year, there is questions of whether or not this infectious disease will spread from the influencer, to the pleb. Until then, this remains a pandemic of the influencer.