Boeing Produces Airplane Without Any Issues

Boeing has produced a new variant of the 737 airliner called the "737 Not Suck" that reportedly has had zero issues. Boeing stock soared on the news, which prompted Jim Cramer to speculate that the price increase would be short lived, only carrying the stock higher. The biggest features of the plane is having no loose bolts, software issues, or other issues that have plagued other 737 models. Nikki Haley responded to the news by saying, "It's good news to see the company I once sold my soul to finally have some success after a long streak of issues." This marks a pivotal moment for American manufacturing as well as the American aerospace industry, that has been plagued with getting shown up by slave labor in China for decades.
Not only are American workers significantly more expensive, but also significantly less skilled or motivated than competition abroad. Boeing has achieved the production of this plane successfully by only using skilled laborers that were born before the year 1971. While their workers were significantly older than the average individual working on the plane, they had the context of knowing life before Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard, allowing them to understand how to build things properly.
Unfortunately, Boeing has been on track to try and prove all of Ayn Rand's theories in Atlas Shrugged. This model of the 737, built with the quality of a Toyota Corolla, has shown the world that Ayn Rand was wrong and that despite the decline of civilization due to government intervention in markets, great technological steps forward can be achieved with the proper determination. Rumors are that the workers inside the company will be calling the plane, "the John Galt Airliner."