
The Bugle is revolutionizing the world of Music by mixing credentialed journalism with some of the highest quality tunes in the world. We strive to blaze a trail in the value for value economy.
Our goal is to grow V4V music platforms like Fountain and Wavlake.
Kailey Welch

Kailey Welch is the smoking hot producer of The Bugle Weekly, a white Jeep Wrangler, drunk driving badass, she has launched her music career in 2024 under the tutelage of Richard Greaser. Her background in drinking and smoking cigarettes giver her the ability to tackle tough topics with confidence make her a formidable force behind the scenes. Bitcoin class of 2024, she's already listened to more podcast episodes than half of the Bitcoiners on Nostr.
Follow Kailey on Wavlake, Twitter, and Nostr:
Rod Palmer

Rod Palmer is an independent writer and producer. His influences include Linkin Park, Garth brooks, and the band who sang the Barbie Girl song in the 90s
Follow Rod on Wavlake, Twitter, and Nostr
Richard Greaser

Richard Greaser is a disruptive artist, disrupting the V4V music scene, known for his gritty, raw unapologetic lyrics. Blending elements of a variety of genres, Richard’s music captures the angst and rebellion of a generation against PODCONF. With influences ranging from classic rock legends to Britney Spears, Richard’s style is a throwback to the rebellious spirit of the past, before the modern man accepted smoking bans and compliance. Richard Greaser is quickly making a name for himself as a bold, authentic voice in today's music industry.
- Where Did The Dollar Menu Go?
- Now That's What I Call Defiance
- Stay Misinformed (In Progress)
- Who Needs Viagra When You've Got Dennis Porter (Single)
Hear his music on Spotify, Wavlake, and Liberty Under Attack Publications.