Bukele Erects Replica of Wailing Wall in Israel for Bitcoiners to Come Visit and Pray

The El Salvadorian government unveiled a to scale replica of Jerusalem's wailing wall at the Meme Factory's Halving Party. The purpose of the wall was to supposedly represent that El Salvador is trying to be the equivalent of Israel to the US, but for the larger Bitcoin community.
"We want notable Bitcoiners like Peter McCormack and Jack Mallers to be able to come down and kiss the wall as a show of solidarity with the people of El Salvador. In Israel, they require politicians to wear Yarmulke because their religion is Judaism. In El Salvador and the global south, the religion is soccer, so we ask the Bitcoiners wear soccer uniforms when kissing the wall," Max Keiser, El Salvador's minister of propaganda state in a press release.
Many attendees at the Halving Party were surprised and pleased at the ability to be some of the first to show very strong support to the state of El Salvador. The wall was unveiled as Yellow was performing a live Don't Stop Believing Twitter Space. While Jerusalem is a holy city for much of the religious world, El Salvador appears to be seeking to be the Bitcoin holy city.
— Max Keiser (@maxkeiser) April 19, 2024
On a live stream, Max Keiser began foaming at the mouth and telling Bitcoiners that if they traveled to the wall, took a picture and posted it on Twitter, the Lord Satoshi would make their dreams come true.
The Human Rights Issue is yet to release a statement on the update from El Salvador, but many are expecting them to denounce the move as tasteless, tacky, and futile attempt to curry favor from a dictatorship.