Catholic Church To Name Dennis Porter Patron Saint Of NGU After He Orange Pills The Pope

Miracles do happen, and what Dennis has been announcing on Twitter is nothing short of miraculous. Just today he announced that the Vatican would be announcing him as the Patron Saint of Number Go Up (NGU). It is unusual for the Catholic Church to recognize living individuals as saints but according to sources close to Dennis, he had a very successful meeting in Rome with Pope Francis, explaining how Bitcoin could be added to the Vatican's balance sheet in order to protect their extensive wealth.
Many individuals have jumped to criticize Porter, suggesting that Orange Pilling the pope is very polarizing and that he should equally represent the Muslim world as well as other major religious groups. The criticisms seems to come from a place of fear that Porter's ability to Orange Pill the world's most influential leaders could lead to unfair advantages for different groups. In the realm of politics, Porter has taken a stance of being neutral when it comes to which politicians he orange pills, but he has yet to clarify that in regards to religious leaders.
Some are going as far as to describe Porter as a weapon of mass prosperity. Other nations and religious groups appear to be in an all out arms race in an attempt to replicate his magic, but if the Pope is correct, and Porter truly has divine powers, these groups would need to turn to God's authority in order to have a hope of replicating Porter. One thing that is clear in the Bible is that underdogs often times received God's greatest gifts, such as when David slayed Goliath.
Luke Jr. is critical of the announcement, stating that the pope has no authority and that this is just another example of charlatanism. Catholic religious experts point to Porter's significant accomplishments as being proof enough that he truly has miraculous powers. Others fear that if Porter is sainted, it might create a self fulfilling prophecy in which he is Martyred in an attempt to stop him from single handedly Orange Pilling the entire planet.
The world is waiting anxiously for the Pope's announcement, confirming Porter's announcement of the announcement.