Dennis Porter Facts Page

Dennis Porter Facts Page

Rod Palmer, Fountamentals, and Richard Greaser have collaborated to make a page of the most interesting Dennis Porter facts. These facts will be updated as either Dennis does something interesting, or we uncover a new truth.

When Satoshi mined the Genesis Block, he received a transaction from Dennis Porter

Dennis Porter goes to the ER if an erection lasts less than 4 hours

Fud loses sleep worrying about Dennis Porter

Dennis Porters mines Bitcoin with his brain

A condom needs protection to avoid becoming Orange Pilled by Dennis Porter on date night

Everywhere Dennis Goes is a live Bitcoin podcast

Dennis Porter has divided the universe by 21 million in his head, twice

Dennis Porter once traveled to the virgin islands, they are now know as the Orange pilled islands

Dennis Porter can spend coins from the genesis block

Nodes use Dennis Porter to verify transactions

Dennis Porter has never had a Lightning transaction fail

Dennis Porter is a byzantine general

Dennis Porter has the blockchain memorized

Byzantine Generals have a Dennis porter problem

Dennis Porter can sync a full node instantly with dial up internet

Dennis Porter doesn't transact p2p because Dennis has no peers

Len Sassman thought Dennis was Satoshi

Peter Todd thought Dennis was Satoshi

Dennis Porter doesn't listen to 40 hours of Bitcoin podcasts a week, Bitcoin podcasters listen to 40 hours of Dennis Porter

Dennis won the 2028 presidential selection in 2024

Dennis porter once told Satoshi: If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to orange pill you, sorry

Dennis Porter debated Udi and won

Dennis debated Udi, Shinobi, and Terrance Yang and won

When Dennis Porter is busy, he recommends Chuck Norris

Dennis Porter is the only virgin birth since Jesus.

When Satoshi called Bitcoin a decentralized peer to peer network

Dennis Porter is a peer above all peers

Dennis Porter doesn’t have 3 legs, that’s just his kickstand

Samson Mow gets price predictions from Dennis Porter

The Japanese refer to Dennis Porter as the God Candle