Is Swan Health Influencer Steven Lubka An Open A.I. Generated Deepfake Plant?

Lost in the media hype surrounding information revealed by an Open AI whistleblower regarding the development timeline of Artificial General Intelligence was a curious gem that calls into question whether or not Swan Bitcoin health influencer Steven Lubka is actually a real person or if he is an AI generated deepfake plant created by Open AI founder Sam Altman to scan people's eyeballs without their permission.
"Sunglasses ARE a shitcoin..."
Among the surprises revealed by the Microsoft whistleblower, who used Filecoin to send a cache of confidential, internal documents related to Microsoft's Open AI projects to U.S. regulators, was a document outlining a campaign by Sam Altman to place deepfake plants generated by ChatGPT-5 which is still not available to the public, within the Bitcoin community to encourage people to spend as much time walking in public, without sunglasses, in order to increase the likelihood of being captured by the vast public and private surveillance apparatus embedded into society. Altman detailed plans to use Microsoft investment capital and CIA connections to gain access to the recorded footage and use it to scan people's eyeballs, without gaining their consent, to store in his dystopian Worldcoin Orb.
Been a sun maximalist for the last 6 years
— Steven Lubka ☀️ (@DzambhalaHODL) June 24, 2021
Never use sunglasses
Never use sunscreen (within reason)
Get as much light in your life as you can
Feel the sheer neurological bliss
Altman sent dozens of emails to investors and Open AI board members explaining how Worldcoin would be perfectly situated to become the world's first global CBDC currency if it scanned enough people's eyeballs. Altman wrote to Bill Gates about the strategy and remarked that consent to scan was not required if the footage was recorded in public spaces.
Bitcoiners weens off sunglasses and their eyesight deterioration stops
— Steven Lubka ☀️ (@DzambhalaHODL) April 29, 2024
Many such cases ☀️
Who is Steven Lubka?
Steven Lubka, who goes by @DzambhalaHODL on X (Formerly Twitter), is the Managing Director, Head of Private Clients & Family Offices at Swan Bitcoin and one of the Swan's most sought after podcast guests. He routinely tweets about health trends, the benefits of walking, disrespecting seed oils, the health benefits of the sun, and how not wearing sunglasses increases your testosterone.
Although the communication does not mention Steven Lubka by name, some of his tweets match quotes Altman included in confidential emails.. verbatim. Most notably, referring to sunglasses as "shitcoins". In February of 2023, Lubka tweeted "Sunglasses ARE a shitcoin keep me posted on it you notice a difference" just months after the collapse of FTX when shitcoins had their lowest public approval of all time.
Sunglasses ARE a shitcoin keep me posted on it you notice a difference 😏
— Steven Lubka ☀️ (@DzambhalaHODL) February 5, 2023
After reading the news, first reported on Stacker News, users on SN and X (Formerly Twitter) began speculating that the deepfake was, in fact, Steven Lubka.
"I've never seen this guy in-person. I've been to Swan's conference, Pacific Bitcoin, and he wasn't there. I thought I saw him a few times but it turned out to be Cory Klippsten or the guy from Crypto Couple. I think his persona is entirely digital, and fake." One poster said. Some skeptics cite the fact that AI is pretty nascent and unable to generate video and images that are high quality enough to fool everyone but lately, people's confidence in their ability to distinguish real from fake online has plummeted.
The Bugle reached out to Steven Lubka via X (Formerly Twitter) DM's but only received a programmed automatic reply from him saying, "I am currently unavailable as I am outside walking around in the public enjoying the sun NOT wearing sunglasses. You should do the same. Touch some grass while you're out there. But look up and smile at traffic lights and security cameras to let people know how happy you are and how you don't even need to squint anymore."