Lindsay Graham Puts Money Where His Mouth Is, Goes To Fight For Israel
This week Lindsey Graham has shown the world that he is more than a male career politician with a woman's name. He has shown the world that he is more than a swamp monster who funds wars with printed money to absolutely destroy sovereign nations. He has shown the world that he is a warrior, as he has picked up arms to stand with the state of Israel in their current conflicts with Hamas and Hezbollah.
You should be on the front lines
— Angela McArdle (@angela4LNCChair) October 11, 2023
Over the past 48 hours, Graham has tweeted videos of himself running from building to building in Gaza, indiscriminately shooting civilians, screaming, "Iran you're next!" Many individuals on Twitter have been shocked to see an old career politician on the front lines, pulling moves that resemble a John Wick movie, instead of sitting in Capital Hill, funneling trillions to weapons manufacturers.
Graham has historically been criticized for his hawkish policies, and many twitter users have criticized him for not actually going to the front lines himself. His office put out this statement saying, "The Senator wants our country to be strong and quit waiting around to invade Iran. He is going to personally lead the charge in the name of Christianity and Democracy. Senator Graham plans to be in Tehran by Sunday, after he's done conquering Gaza."
Members of the Israeli military have reportedly expressed their concern for Graham's tactics as he is refusing to listen to orders, or cooperate with members of the Israeli military who are also on the ground. "He's out of control and I'm afraid he's going to do something stupid to spark a larger conflict," said an Israeli infantry man.
Other members of congress have floated their eagerness to join Graham on the front lines, but so far no other politician has joined. It is surprising to see so many brave public servants in Washington shy away from fighting the very wars they have been supporting, after their extreme show of bravery during January 6th.
Graham has been floated as potential presidential challenger to Donald Trump in the Republican primary after his show of heroism. His office denied any plans for the Senator to run, as he is too busy fund raising for his defense contract donors by wreaking havoc in Gaza. Donald Trump has floated the idea of joining Graham at the border of Iran before the invasion.
It is an unprecedented time in American politics to say the least.