Luke Dash Jr. Hard Forks BeefSteak To Focus On Eating Cats

While many are questioning whether or not Luke will hard fork Bitcoin in the coming years, he is reported to have hard forked the beef steak after Awayslice refused to serve cats. The prolific Bitcoin developer, and founder of Ocean Mining Pool, will now be able to add Beef Steak organizer to his list, but in this case the focus will be less on beef and more on cat meat. Whether or not Luke's new venture will be successful is yet to be seen, as many Americans are not too warm to the idea of eating common house pets.
Dash Jr.'s thesis seems to be that cats are the same as any other animal that Americans eat, yet many individuals witnessing the conversation are looking at their household companions in dismay. "I would never eat Mrs. Mittens," Said twitter user @babehodl69. There has been some massive backlash toward Dash Jr. as many individuals on Twitter are stuck in their logically incorrect beliefs that certain animals are beyond eating solely because they make better house animals.
The harsh reality is that economic times are so bad in the United States that many people are looking to alternative meet sources in order to feed their families. The stigma around eating cats is getting in the way of Americans meeting their nutritional goals. Luke's beefsteak might actually be a major step forward in shifting culture during such unprecedented times.
When the beefsteaks will be held is unknown at this time, but it is being rumored that the food will be blessed and served by Catholic priests. The Bugle reached out for Awayslice for comment on the story and was told, "This is literally the stupidest hardfork of my beefsteak I have ever seen. It's like Luke is the CSW of beefsteaks. I can't believe they are going to eat cats."
While the move is truly controversial, it is progressive in many ways. Many climate conscious Bitcoiners such as Troy Cross and Jyn Urso have suggested they may attend to support more climate friendly food options. Eating cats is definitely a polarizing topic in the world of people who interact with the Bitcoin network.