Natalie Brunell Increases Relationship Course Price To $8000 Before Shutting It Down

In a shocking move, Natalie Brunell, a media personality and Bitcoin enthusiast announced she would be increasing the price of her online relationship course to $8000 before shutting the course down. "I have done my work in teaching men on Bitcoin Twitter how to treat their girlfriends better and undo all the masculine frame nonsense that is preached far too often. Now that I am in a relationship with Sam Callahan, I want to invest my time in my actual relationship instead of teaching people how not to suck in theirs," she said on Twitter.
It is rumored that Sam Callahan, an older version of Dylan Leclaire who works for Swan instead of Bitcoin Magazine, will be taking the course she teaches after they return from their romantic trip in Italy.
Many individuals were shocked at the increase of price of the course during a bear market and economic downturn. They accused her of being greedy and hoarding valuable information that would only be accessible to individuals who got into Bitcoin during the 2015 cycle or before.
Others expressed their feelings of FOMO now that she has announced the course would be ending permanently and were quick to sign up. A handful of Twitter users tweeted screenshots of the confirmation emails that they had signed up for the course. Some of the married women on Bitcoin Twitter announced that they would be forcing their husbands to take the course.
Some notable Bitcoiners that are reported to have previously taken the course include Aleks Svetski, Tatum Turnup, Weinicus, BTC Sessions, and Hodl Magoo. The majority of individuals who have gone through the course have claimed that it did wonders for their relationships.
Natalie is reported to have extremely high standards when it comes to dating so it will be interesting to see if Callahan is up to the task. Many popular Bitcoin influencers have aired their turbulent relationships publicly on Twitter in the past and this one working well would start a new precedent.
The Bugle wishes the best of luck to Natalie and Alt-Dylan Leclaire.