Vitalik Reveals Paul Sztorc Secretly Jealous Of Ethereum, Wants Drivechains To Compete

A little known Bitcoin improvement proposal (BIP) that no one takes seriously has resurfaced in recent weeks as Paul Sztorc continues to endlessly campaign for BIP 300 which would allow for protocols similar to Ethereum and Bitcoin Cash to be built on top of Bitcoin. The selling point for the proposal is that it would suck out unproductive economic activity happening on shitcoin chains and place it on Bitcoin.
Despite Sztorc campaigning for the BIP for years, it has garnished little attention as most individuals using Bitcoin are more focused on using the digital currency as money rather than creating a sand box for shitcoiners to concoct their strange ideas on.
Vitalik revealed in an interview he did with Cointelegraph, that Sztorc reached out to him to complain about Bitcoin maximalists who are against his improvement proposal. "He um... He um said that people are mean to him because they don't understand the importance of drivechains on Bitcoin and want to just keep things the way they are," said Vitalik.
Cointelegraph continued to mock users of Bitcoin, citing that users are choosing to use chains with limited smart contract functionality and low transaction throughput in favor of decentralization. "If Bitcoin development was more centralized like Ethereum, Paul would have his magnificent BIP added to the protocol," the interviewer said.
Udi echoed Sztorc's frustrations by declaring that Bitcoin development is way too decentralized and it should be consolidated under his control so he can attempt to break Bitcoin again.
Vitalik expressed in the interview his understanding that the only reason that Bitcoin is valuable is because of it's decentralized network and the difficulty to change the rules of the protocol. He also expressed that this is not the philosophy of Ethereum which has had large success to people being unable to understand the complicated mess of the protocol's development.