Saifedean Ammous Charged For Illegally Importing Beyond Meat Burgers To Lebanon

Lebanese customs announced a seizure of a shipment of Beyond Meat Burgers, illegally imported by the economist and best selling author of The Bitcoin Standard, Saifedean Ammous. Customs is still investigating the incident to see if Ammous was a part of a larger scheme to distribute the meat substitute within the black market. Currently Ammous is being charged with intent to defraud customs, and tax evasion.
Bitcoin Twitter erupted over the news as Ammous has been a consistent advocate of the carnivore diet. There have been periodic allegations against Ammous for eating plant based meat substitutes over the years, but this recent event only seems to confirm that Ammous may be living on the fiat standard.

Multiple videos were posted to Twitter of individuals burning copies of the Bitcoin Standard in protest. Gary Leland, who runs the conference Bit Block Boom, announced that Ammous would not longer be speaking at the upcoming conference, based on the news. "Bit Block Boom is a conference where sponsors and speakers need to demonstrate integrity and living lies is not acceptable," Leland explained about his decision.
Ammous has yet to comment on the event and his Twitter has not posted since the news dropped. His rival, Nassim Nicolas Taleb, has been running victory laps in celebration over the news.