The Most And Least Attractive Activities To Bitcoin Women

I'm considering doing a regular column for the Bugle titled, "Ask Kailey," where I impart my expert opinions on various topics that readers write in to ask about. While there are many macro experts in this space, there are not very many white Jeep driving smoke shows like myself to impart knowledge on the army of Orangecels (Involuntary celibate individuals due to their overwhelming love of Bitcoin) , looking to get a girlfriend in this upcoming bull cycle. Please hit me up on Twitter if you would like to see regular content of me answering reader's questions.
A question that many Orangecels are grappling with is what do women find attractive. It is much more straightforward to understand what men find attractive about women, as much of it centers around basic biology. I've been blessed in this regard by being born with some high quality assets, but determining what women find attractive is not as straightforward.
I have posed this question to 1oo women in the Bitcoin space and have aggregated their answers into some of the most attractive activities and least attractive activities. If we can equip Bitcoin men with engaging in more attractive activities, it will level up the entire industry.
Most Attractive Activities
Engaging in activities that the women in our sample size collectively find attractive is not too difficult. For many this means a slight change in priorities for men looking for girlfriends. Men can reach the epitome of attractiveness by driving women around at a conference, listening to podcasts on the stereo as well as drinking and smoking all at the same time. That is one killer way to impress the ladies.
Least Attractive Activities

On the other hand, the top 3 least attractive activities include communism, being a gay bear, and watching sports. Some of these activities are hard for many men to let go, but they are consistent turn offs for many women.
At the end of the day, being a good Bitcoiner is what women seem to find attractive, and engaging in activities that are shitcoiny are unattractive. As the bull market takes off, there will be more women coming to the space and there won't be as much scarcity meaning that even if you don't perfectly prioritize the most attractive activities, you may still find a girlfriend.
Good luck out there anon.