Trust In Journalism Soars As A Result Of Bugle Reporting

Overall trust in journalism has skyrocketed following the launch of the Bugle in 2023, prompting a complete reversal of a downward trend in trust for media. Nielson ratings applauded the Bugle for, "Raising the bar for the whole industry," and "Bringing new and exciting ideas to an industry covered with cobwebs." It would seem that individuals respect the candid reporting style, lack of pharmaceutical sponsorships, and focus on topics that matter.
Glenn Greenwald applauded the Bugle by saying, "I never thought in this day and age that a news publication could restore my hope for the industry. I read them daily to help inform my opinion on the world around me." Other journalists also applauded the Bulge, but the fan mail has gotten so out of control we won't include all the gushing applause in this article.
The Bugle rehabilitating journalism highlights the power of offering people something that they want and need versus offering something to control and manipulate them. Individuals want more than to be bombarded with advertisements and CIA talking points. Bugle readers understand that the Bugle operates as a crowdfunded news agency and not just a sales funnel.
The Bugle's ability to rehabilitate the industry will hopefully have ripple effects on other agencies throughout the industry which are hemorrhaging money as a result of relying on sponsorship money from zombie companies entirely reliant on the money printer for continued existence. The V4V model of journalism is growing and will continue to grow. People will not pay to be propagandized and lied to. That's why the whole sponsorship model exists. People think they are receiving a product for free, but corporations are actually paying for the propaganda and lies.
Never before has a news agency been founded in order to earn cigarette money. The purity of incentives is what is raising the bar.