$wan Alleges Former Employees Didn't Respect Klippsten's Values of Using Dollars To Make Bitcoin Stronger

$wan Alleges Former Employees Didn't Respect Klippsten's Values of Using Dollars To Make Bitcoin Stronger

Pleb CEO Cory Klippsten, fondly referred to as Coinjoined Cory by many twitter users, announced he was suing former employees that had been associated with $wan mining. The basis of the lawsuit suggested that employees represented they wanted to use dollars to make Bitcoin stronger, but showed they cared little about the success of the network and were entirely  focused on farming dollars without the thought of Bitcoin's success or network security in mind. 

"It's appalling to me that people used the $wan brand for their own personal gain when $wan is really about serving the plebs by making Bitcoin stronger with dollars," Klippsten told the Bugle. The lawsuits states that not only were former employees actions an afront to Bitcoin and Satoshi's legacy, but also Klippsten himself who is one of the most important CEO's in the Bitcoin industry, due to his commentary on shitcoiners.

Udi, a twitter commentator and individual who believes that one of the primary ways to make Bitcoin stronger is out of band, "spam transactions," misunderstood the point of the lawsuit, suggesting that users of the $wan platform should withdraw their funds off the platform. This clearly showed that Udi has very little understanding of the product he is criticizing as most of the platforms users immediately withdraw their funds after purchases, making UTXO management incredibly difficult. The issue of UTXO management has come up to Udi's disruption over fee markets in the past. Udi has sparred with Klippsten publicly in the past for their very different views on how to make Bitcoin stronger.

A darker side of the story is emerging suggesting that P Diddy was somehow involved with $wan Mining. A source familiar with the story has informed the Bugle that the FBI is involved with the case, and had confiscated baby oil from Diddy's residence, which is reportedly actually dialectic fluid used to cool Bitcoin miners in immersion settings. How or why Diddy is involved with this case is yet unknown, but it brings up serious speculation that the rumored "$wan Sex Cult" may be a phenomena much bigger than a rumor started or exaggerated by online meme gangs.

What is surprising about all of this is that $wan has historically had one of the most robust and effective HR departments, ensuring proper conduct of their employees and properly vetting them to ensure they actually had the best intentions when it came to Bitcoin. $wan's HR department had a core mission of ensuring through proper background checks, and stringent interviews in the form of a internal company podcast series, that prospective employees did indeed have the best intentions of using dollars to make Bitcoin stronger.

How potentially nefarious actors got through this stringent process, with Brady Swenson listening to each podcast episode of perspective employees produced by the HR department, is unknown at this time. The matters of determining the former employees intentions have now been referred to the courts to determine.

This story is developing and updates will follow

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