Antisemites Leaving Bitcoin In Droves For Ethereum, Citing "Too Many Jews In Bitcoin"

Stoney Bitson and other notable antisemites have announced that they are leaving Bitcoin and opting to use Ethereum citing that, "The Jews control Bitcoin." This is following Gary Gensler's comments this week that, "Bitcoin is not that decentralized." Apparently the group of antisemites has somehow audited individuals involved with Ethereum, finding that it somehow has less representation of individuals with Jewish Heritage. Evidence that the Jews control Bitcoin is minimal, as it's actually by the Chinese who entirely control mining. Whether or not the Chinese are Chinese Jews is unknown, but also unlikely.

Kanye West was spotted exiting his vehicle wearing a Vitalik Buterin hat as well as an Ethereum shirt. Bitcoin Twitter reacted excitedly to the rapper wearing a Satoshi Nakamoto hat in public years ago, but was upset to see he was defecting to Ethereum. The rapper has gotten himself in trouble multiple times for very antisemitic remarks. His interest grew in Bitcoin after a large bank closed his account, citing antisemitic remarks.
While all this misinformation may be convincing white supremacists like Kanye West from using Bitcoin, Elon Musk is reportedly more interested in Bitcoin due to the new revelations. Many Jewish Bitcoiners and Ethereum users have expressed disappointment in the general community with one anonymously contacting the Bugle to say, "I thought I found a save haven asset from antisemitism, but that seems not to be the case. I thought Bitcoin was for everyone, but I guess some people don't believe so."