Users Threaten to Fork $Wodndor đŸšȘOver Disagreement About Max Supply

Users Threaten to Fork $Wodndor đŸšȘOver Disagreement About Max Supply

The price of the controversial new memecoin called AuschwitzWoodenDoor isn't the only thing that's volatile. The coin, which trades under the ticker wodndor, has faced criticism, threats of censorship, and has been called antisemitic since it launched on Solana earlier this month. Now members of the community are threatening a fork if the project's founders don't change the max supply of the coin which is currently set to six million.

As of now, the community is divided into three factions. The project founders and early adopters are in favor of keeping the six million supply cap but some recent members have become increasingly outspoken about lowering this amount considerably. "We support this project and the message it sends but we simply cannot support the six million supply cap. Its WAY to high. That's unrealistic. We believe it should be less than 1 million but are willing to compromise on the 1 million amount for practical purposes." One supporter of a possible fork told The Bugle. "Come on do you really think six million is right? That's a pretty large supply for a memecoin! Be honest.." He added.

Still others are even more firm in their position that 1 million is still too high. "I am not interested in debating history, fiat reports, and media propaganda. What I will tell you is that these supply numbers are ridiculous and I don't believe they're correct. Not one bit. This coin should have a supply of one. Make it a NFT to raise awareness for psyops." One radical fork supporter commented. When asked to elaborate on what they mean, the supporter just said "few".

Other members of the community are less opinionated but told The Bugle they aren't sure they believe 6 million is the real supply cap. They said they haven't been able to run a node and verify the numbers or that they simply aren't skilled enough to do so. Others still said they just don't want to offend anyone. "I don't have much of an opinion on this. If the founders say its six million, I think that's the right amount. As long as its fixed." One user said.

Devs who worked on the original project said they can assure people the max supply is, in fact, 6 million. One developer sent The Bugle links to the Github repository which includes all the projects commit history. An audit of the code and its commit history does indicate the max supply being 6 million, despite some of the critics claims.

The controversy has spilled over beyond crypto Twitter and even prompted the ADL to issue a statement calling on Solana to 'stop on-chain racism'. However, their calls seem to have fallen on deaf ears.

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