You Need To Shill The Intellectual Silk Road Harder Than Influencers Shill PODCONF

Dear reader,This is credentialed journalist Richard Greaser reporting in this early morning. As many of you are aware, and likely frustrated by it, @podconf has taken a sharp turn towards shilling politicians, compliance, and generally non cypherpunk behavior. They are discouraging plebs from using computers in dark mode, rejecting the core ethos of this entire movement. Real cypherpunks use dark mode only.
They are well funded and do not have your best interest in mind. The Podcast Conference Industrial Complex wants to create a mononarrative, controlling what is okay and what is not to say. Instead of focusing on important issues, they try to distract the plebs from what really matters.The intellectual silk road is the true resistance, standing as a vanguard to deliver the truth in the face of overwhelming odds. Those odds can only be overcome with your help.
For the Bugle and the Intellectual Silk Road to defeat PODCONF, you need to shill us harder than David Bailey shills Trump, and Dennis Porter shills himself. When you shill us, you shill a noble cause.
As a credentialed journalist, I implore you support us, for if you don't, you will be sentenced to a bull market full of only price predictions and compliance redirect. Is that the future you truly wish to live in? It is not the future I am satisfied to hand down my children. I dream of a day when cigarette bans are lifted, and there is no TSA at Bitcoin conferences. I dream of a day where all major news publishers live on a Bitcoin standard.
All of that starts with you dear reader. Our voice is only heard if you amplify us. Our model is not based on taking money from PODCONF sponsors, but from the value for value economy. Instead of us being paid to try and sell you something, we are attempting to sell ourselves to you. If you think our voice is important, it will only reach as far as you amplify it.
We do not have the resources that PODCONF has, but we have the credentials and the grit.I promise you, the more resources we have, the better we will perform.
Richard Greaser