You Won't Believe Eric V. Stacks' Reaction As Pleb Proposes To Girlfriend On 'Why Are We Bullish' Live Stream.

You Won't Believe Eric V. Stacks' Reaction As Pleb Proposes To Girlfriend On 'Why Are We Bullish' Live Stream.

Most guests who get invited to be on Why Are We Bullish use the opportunity to talk about the exciting ways they see Bitcoin fixing problems in society and why it makes them bullish. But on last week's show, one guests surprised viewers, fellow guests, and even host BTC Sessions when he asked his girlfriend to marry him in the middle of the live stream.

The surprise marriage proposal was made by a Canadian Bitcoiner who goes by the handle ManitobaHodl. He was the last of the three guests to get the opportunity to talk about why he is bullish, waiting patiently behind the show's other two guests Eric V. Stacks and an eccentric weekday morning Spaces regular known simply as Mars. After an especially long answer from Eric V. Stacks about vibrations and the thermodynamically sound properties of photosynthesis, ManitobaHodl finally got his chance to speak around the 17:08 mark of the stream. He answered Sessions' question by saying he is bullish because Bitcoin made it possible for him to afford an engagement ring, a wedding, and the high sales tax cost for both.

BTC Sessions was visibly confused about how to respond and started laughing when ManitobaHodl continued, "Now that I can afford the taxes to get married, I can't think of a better place to propose to my girlfriend than my favorite Bitcoin podcast". Then he got down on one knee and proposed to his girlfriend presumably sitting across from him out of fame. She can be heard screaming happily and saying yes which prompted Eric V. Stacks' eyes to widen dramatically causing live stream viewers to post "Eric looks like he just saw the true female god of the universe, in the flesh, after taking a high dose of DMT" in the stream's chat. The response from viewers was almost universally positive with a few exceptions. One exception was a subtle remark made by Mars, who appeared to be speaking to someone out of frame while covering his podcast microphone with his hand, which was missed by most people who saw it happen live. When replayed with the volume turned all the way up, you can hear Mars mutter "she's a fed, this will never scale."

In case you've been living under a rock, Why Are We Bullish is a weekly show hosted by BTC Sessions which streams live on YouTube, X (Formerly Twitter), and Rumble every Friday afternoon and typically features three notable guests such as podcasters, Spaces hosts, builders, and influencers. Many guests aren't scheduled weeks in advance. More often than not, BTC Sessions posts tweets a few before going live to ask his followers who they'd like to see on the show. ManitobaHodl, who is one of the founding members of the Winnipeg Bitcoin Meetup, was nominated by other Winnipeg Bitcoiners just two hours before his surprise proposal.

According to members of the Winnipeg meetup's official Telegram group chat, ManitobaHodl said he didn't coordinate the proposal with Sessions or any of the other guests ahead of time. A snapshot of a group chat conversation shared with The Bugle shows ManitobaHodl saying, "I already had the ring and I knew I wanted to propose on a Bitcoin podcast. I messaged several Bitcoin podcasters to ask if I could propose to my girlfriend on their show but none of them responded. When I got the DM from BTC Sessions inviting on Why Are We Bullish, I knew this was my chance."

ManitobaHodl says he and his fiancé are currently planning for the wedding to be a satellite event at next years' Bitcoin Rodeo Conference near Calgary and that tickets to the event will go on sale "probably around next spring". Apparently he's even asked BTC Sessions to officiate his wedding but noted that Sessions has yet to respond.

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